Social problems obese people face

Driving a car of 5 ton or 50 mega ton truck, manage its maintenance and keep it running, which one is harder? Definitely it's easier and much comfortable to own a car. As owner or driver it's him who's responsible for its vehicle, it's his responsibility to keep it going and well. Similarly a person house in its body and it's his responsibility to take care of his physique. There's no big issue, your life runs normally when you have a car to maintain but the problem comes when you have to deal with the bus. Shortly people those are less careful and become overweight as I described the causes in "The major obesity causes", it's difficult for them to live actively than others.

    According to law of gravity the heavier things have more gravitational force than lighter ones. So the obese people have to do much more effort to do physical activities as compared to others. Moreover sometimes it's hard to control your laugh when you see a very fat person running or going by, doing effort.  Doesn't matter how much a person is serious or how normally he/she does the work, you make the fun out laugh. It's not your fault, it's very common, people laugh on what they find amusing and it's quite so. But I believe you won't make fun when you feel the serious problems obese people face in every day routine.
1. Struggles while running

   2. Sitting

3. Clothing

4. At Gym

5. Eating 

6. Walking in public

7. Bathing- Washing a big body

8. No one listens

9. Singing

10. Dancing

11. Fart

12.  Kids don't understand (make fun)

13. Relationship sucks

14. Speech (nobody takes seriously)

Note:  These given gifs don’t support size discrimination or promote fat shaming instead they are for spreading awareness and making people realize that how bad is being obese is seemed or can be in the society. Moreover to motivate and tell them how important is it to get rid of obesity asap to keep good living their life.

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