5 health problems of over skinny guys

Today, none of us is uninformed that obesity is the reason of serious health diseases and to resolve such problems one has to lose extra weight to get healthy. But what we neglect the health problems came with thin and underweight body.
Yes that's right! Being skinny is as unhealthy as obese. As being a little skinny isn't seems to be an issue for most people, it involves health deficiencies too. So what about Super skinny aren't they at high risks? Let's have a look what are five major health problems of over thin people.

1. Malnutrition

This is the biggest and most common problem of over skinny people. The malnutrition is lack of nutrients in the body while malnutrition is also called for having too much nutrients. But this term commonly used for not having enough nutrients. The main causes of malnutrition can be lack of taking healthy food or excessively taking unhealthy. First let's discuss what is not being taking sufficiently to fulfill health requirements.

There are some nutrients that are necessary for our body to keep it going and stay healthy. Those nutrients provide us energy and useful in many various forms. If these are taken daily properly, they benefit us but if not they can be the cause of our health diseases or deficiencies.

These are three major nutrients those intake affects malnutrition.

A. Protein

Protein is for building blocks of bones, muscle, skin and blood. Protein helps body health, growth and maintenance. Average body weight contains 12-16 percent of protein out of overall, which is needed to have a normal body. Those are made from amino acids and the aminos which are essential for body is founded in the foods given below.

Sources of protein
Eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, beans, white meat, soy and many more.
Seafood is one of the best sources to get low fat protein.

As protein is major source of energy for most of the body organs it should be taken properly otherwise it encourage malnutrition.

B. Carbohydrates

It's a big source of energy that our body needs for functioning our organs, nerve system and brain properly. Carbs provide us energy, cause rises to blood sugar and raise our craving. So these are beneficial for gaining weight. Those provide most of the energy we get from food. Thus the food we eat daily must have 40-60 percent of carbohydrates.

Fruits, breads, grains, starchy vegetables and sugars.

Carbs maintain glucose in body and determine our food cravings, so it is as necessary as protein to have healthy body.

C. Fats

Fats help in body development; they support many of our body functions like mineral and vitamin absorption, building cells and muscle movement. Although those often degraded, they are an important energy source. Unsaturated fats make healthy fatty acids that our body can't create independently itself.  30 percent of our daily diet should contain fats in it.

Avocados, cheese, nuts, olive oil, seeds, whole eggs, dark chocolate and many more.

Regardless fats contribute to obesity, some fats are important for good health and must be taken to balance diet otherwise it may leave a diet incomplete of nutrition.

2.  Lack of Energy

If you are underweight due to under nutrition it is obvious that you lack strength. As food is the source of energy for our body, we eat and our body converts it into energy. So with not enough food stored in your body, your body can’t make required energy from within. Cause of lack of energy can be anemia also, which is usually caused by nutrition insufficiency or deficiencies. So What is Anemia?

Anemia is the condition where body has a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin (red protein that provides oxygen in blood) in the blood. This may encourage tiredness or weakness. It may results the following.

·       Drain your energy: It can make you so tired that you won’t able to do or perform regular tasks

·       Lead to heart problems: Heart issues can be occurred due to it because in anemia your heart must pump more blood to compensate for lack of oxygen in the blood.
·       Can kill you: In case of lose of a lot of blood cells in critical anemia condition can take your life as human body can’t survive with lack of blood cells in the body.

You can encounter such diseases or condition because of nutrition deficiencies such as insufficiency of iron, protein and many more.

3. Osteoporosis

Lack of calcium and vitamin D contributes in the development of osteoporosis in men and women. Evidently skinny people those don’t give importance to proper intake of calcium or vitamins, seems to have more risk of it.

Chances of bone injuries increase as skinny people likely have low bone density and less skin on their bodies. Thus there’s high rate of number of fractures can also be seen in thin people.

4. Weak Immune system

Weak immune system overly based on the first point malnutrition that is described above. Immunity depends on the level of nutrition of a person. Obviously what a person eats helps its immune system.

So here lack of protein or vitamins in body decreases skinny’s immune function. And with weaker immunity thin people unlikely to fight against illness like infection, flu, cold and many more.

5.  Slow or diminished growth

Our body needs nutrients to develop bones and organs. Nutrients like protein, carbohydrates and fats contributes in our body development such as cells, blood and muscle production. As required nutrients are added to body it changes its condition and starts building. So having fewer nutrients means one is not sufficiently healthy to make his body grow up properly.

It’s proved and renowned that underweight people with under nutrition delay their growth or grow lesser than average weight people. This is mostly found in young and children those are skinny or underweight.

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