Sunday 6 May 2018

The major obesity causes and drawbacks

Obesity is one of the greatest and conventional health issues of people all over the world. It brings other diseases with it that it has been cause of death of millions of people every year. Over weight contributes to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Osteoarthritis, strokes, asthma and many more. With the world booming in every field, we lack the physical needs of a human body. We are making our body work like a machine but are unable to complement its needs. We are feeding our body the things which turn our body into balloon and that obesity leads us to aforementioned and various other diseases.
In this article we analyze that what are the causes of obesity and its disadvantages, so that solution could be found out.
First below are some major causes of people getting over weight.

   Causes of obesity

1. Idleness

People fill their tummy with too much calories and they don't burn that amount of calories that much they gain. They use to be such indolent that they don't walk or even move after having meal, they are very unlikely to do involve in any physical activity to use the energy they consume from the stuffy food they use eat. Furthermore those people also don't use to do physical training and hardly have the courage to complete such tasks. Thus they become chubby or get over weight.

2. Genetics

This is one of cause of obesity that is so called natural by people. They say that we can't do anything about it because it's in our genes but that is false.

According to it, in genetic obesity case someone is obese or becomes over weight at reaching a specific age because of having that kind of genes in his/her body.

Regardless it is true that genes holds our body structure, it is wrong to say obesity is predestined because however our genes responsible for our body size but it also depends on the signals that our genes receive from nutrition or environment we provide.

For example: Rural area people start eating typical western diet, their gene don't change, the signals they send is changed. This study on the genetics of obesity will explains it further to you.

3. Junk Food consumption

Junk food is marketed almost everywhere that it's accessible and ubiquitous. Because of its quality of instantly cooked and irresistible unique flavor, it's being eaten approximately all around the globe.

In this fast paced era, people made such food items part of their meals that comes from the kitchen to their mouth rapidly, in almost no time as it is pre-prepared food. Besides people are so much fascinated by fast food that they obsessed with it and take eating it as fun. Even when it comes to enjoy meals they do have fun with junk food.

4. Food addiction

Highly pleasant food that is rich in fat, sugar or salt stimulates chemical reactions in our brain which persuade the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.

Food addiction is very like Drug addiction such as nicotine, alcohol, cocaine and cannabis. As someone lose control on eating manner or schedule is similar as losing control over drinking.

Over eating leads to digestive problems, heart diseases, obesity, depression and isolation.

5. Sugar

Sugar is one of the major causes of fat especially when it is often consumed excessively. As this age foods are rich in sugar that contain glucose and fructose one of them is essential while other makes you fat and that is fructose which contributes to your overweight. How? Keep on reading to know.

The modern food that is high in sugar has a lot of fructose which usually causes insulin resistance. Because the fructose from such sugary diets doesn't utilized by cells into energy, so the sugar remains in the blood stream that eventually stored and turns into fat.

For more on that watch my video here.

6. Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation imbalances your hormone, affects cholesterol a hormone that stores body fat. Due to lack of sleep rapidly it level goes high. How? let's see.

When you don't get full sleep, you don't wake up fresh and in morning you feel sleepy cause of that your hormones disturbed. While your hormones interrupted the two main hormones that controls your appetite, leptin and ghrelin also get detracted. Leptin that normally has been making you satisfied after meal and ghrelin that encouraging your hunger, ruined that you started feeling unsatisfied and hungrier.

Therefore this defect by lack of sleep usually makes people fat as they use to insist their bellies to be filled.

To get more on that go to my video"lack of sleep causes weight gain".

                                                                      Helping you gives me Joy.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Truth behind Body transformation, should it concern with fitness or beauty?

Today most of people assume that built and V-shaped body is all they need to get fit body, so they struggle to get it. Evidently no one likes to remain chubby or too skinny, as it indicates bad health. As they work for not only for their satisfaction, but also for getting admiration or good impression. Moreover it’s fascinating to have a fit body, make them confident as they get a physique to look at and keep them going. But is it all they should be concerned about to get healthier body?

Though it’s an integral part, it isn’t all to get healthier body. Body fitness is not overly body transformation; it’s more likely to increase power, stamina, to body nourishment and body meditation, but of course formation contributes in body health. Despite fitness tends to be for only physical transformation for most people. Still they don’t get many benefits that they can from it. It’s because of given below reason.

Often people neglect the real benefits of body training that is gaining strength and stamina, not body beauty. People sometimes too much focus on body appearance that they forget the advantages they could get from physical transformation. Let me tell you how you can get the most from body shaping.
Body transformation is crucial in health training. It should be done in two given cases and while keeping the real disadvantages of having unfit shape in mind to get both benefits physical beauty and body fitness.

Case 1: If someone’s overweight and do lose weight training. He/she should be concerned to overcome given diseases come with obesity. Like obesity reduces the blood flow, raises the heart rate and many more harmful effects, that you can see on my article “The major obesity causes and drawbacks”.

Case 2: Someone’s too skinny and do gain weight training. He/she suppose to focus on getting strength to beat given deficiencies. Like being thin can cause Nutritional deficiencies, growth and development issues, osteoporosis, decreases immune function and a lot more, which is described in “Five health problems of over skinny guys” by me.
 These are two cases that demands body formation (develop or alter body) to get body fitness.

I’ve also shared “10 sign of fitness that indicates your health” here you can see where you stand in standard health condition.
Stay connected for more motivational blogs and don’t forget to subscribe my website

Note: As people now days too much focused on their physique building that on a point they only concentrate on body beauty and neglect the real causes behind doing it, so I’m telling the reasons to motivate them to stick to the main concerns while body shaping.
                                                                     Helping you gives me Joy.

Monday 12 March 2018

10 signs of fitness that indicates your health

Look for these ten signs of fitness in yourself. They are the indicators of your health condition. 
Start examining yourself where you stand and get a healthy life!

1)  Stable heart rate
Resting rate of 70-80 bpm (beats per minutes) is normal heart rate that an average person has.
If higher then do cardiovascular training for better function. After cardio session your heart rate should return to normal within 5 minutes.

In case if you breathe panics, consult to your area doctor or even better if you go to a cardiologist immediately.
           2)  Color of Urine
Your urine can tell you if you’re enough hydrated or not. If the color of your urine is yellow that means you’re not taking as much water as you should but don’t worry that’s not very unusual thing, just start to get use to be hydrated.
Amount of intake for a common individual should be 8-12 glass a day.

           3)  Pink & Uncracked Lips
Glowing pink lips indicate that your skin is fine and you don’t have critical dehydration or dryness issue.
Rather than pink, any shade of black in lips can point out following;
             ·          Smoking
             ·          Toxin & poisoning
             ·          Allergen
             ·          Café and Hot beverages


           4)  Firm pink nails
It isn’t just for girls or white people, no matter what skin color or gender one has. Pinky nails points out that you’re good and healthy.
While white spots, ripples or below nails have given issues.
            ·      White nails: points out liver problems.
            ·      Yellow nails: fungal infection, diabetes or 
            ·      Dry & Cracked nails: skin dryness or thyroid.
Don’t ignore it, get an appointment of dermatologist and don’t hesitate to tell your issue.

           5)  Strength test­­­­
            There are two basic forms of training that indicates one’s                          strength and help him to remain fit.

    Ø   Walking/Running
If you can go 1 mile within 15 minutes or less you’re absolutely fine.
More than 15 minutes for a mile, is a sign that you’re not fast enough to be called fit.

    Ø     Pushups
Performing 15-20 pushups at a time in a row is the ideal exercise that shows you’re enough strong and if repeated regularly can keep you fit.

           6)  Bowel movement
It is last stop of the movement of food through your digestive system, where your faece is discharged.

If your bowel movement frequency is normal and being done at the same time daily, it means you’ve no digestive issue.

          7)  Waking up routine
Do you know? If not, this would be quite surprising for you that our ability to wake up at same time automatically daily is significance of our good health.
And the people, who can’t wake up on the time he/she intends to get up without an alarm, are usually more likely to lazy people.

          8)  10 pounds of your ideal body weight
Healthy male adult aged 20-40 should have at least 8%-19% body fat and above 40 must between 11%-22% range.

           9)  Good Memory
Being fit is not only about physical fitness it also demands good memory.
A person would be declared wise when his memorizing power works for him at right time.
LIKE: On asking of the doctor, she just remembered the date of her last appointment with her.

        10)   Wound heals quickly
Although humans are not supernatural being shown in films like vampire or wolverine those have super healing abilities, they still have the power of healing.
Evidently, a person whose wounds heal on time is healthier than the person recovers late.

Note: If you stand on all above points than you can be sure about your good health condition and no need to worry about it anymore. Moreover I assure that you’re fit undoubtedly but you can be better by health training and medical checkup routine.  

                                                                                                                    Helping you gives me Joy.